Training to win is important. Play to win even more. In sport the competitive aspect is always very accurate, for the growth of the team from . But the girls (in this case, we areContinue reading
Tag: wine painting class
Paint With Wine Class with PurpleRyta
I really miss you, stepping in my Studio, chatting together about art and wine, smiling and flying on my swing. The virtual way to stay in contact seems to be the only one that can makeContinue reading
Wine contains culture, finally!
It has always contained culture but as long as I say it, it can be a beautiful slogan, which I can tell and explain with my works or art but if others start talking aboutContinue reading
Fly again
Routine, responsibility, work keep us on the ground, sometimes we feel that they crush us even a little … a little much … But if we reverse the trend and the routine is virtuous becauseContinue reading
MCC magazine about Prupleryta’s wine on paper and Luigi Vico labels
Already known for its Barolo Prapò,Azienda Agricola Luigi Vico now proposes a full range of red and white wines grown in Langhe area, Nebbiolo, Barbera, Dolcetto, Arneis and Chardonnay. The idea of the labels forContinue reading
TURIN ITALY GUIDE talks about Prupleryta
I never met Denise but the few things that I know about her are enough to say that she is great: She loves Turin and you can say it from the url of its website:Continue reading
Paint with wine, like me, with me!
An afternoon to discover the wine with the five senses, together with the artist Ryta Barbero. Winery tour, organoleptic tasting and mini-painting course with wine. Purpleryta’s artistic identity coincides with the technique he uses toContinue reading
California we are coming!
Other two masterpieces by Purpleryta are leaving for USA! This time it is the turn of “Route” from the series “wine on paper” painted with Barolo, Barbera and Dolcetto wines and representing the small funnyContinue reading
The eyes want its part…
Among a market desk and another there is who found the time to visit Purpleryta’s art exhibition, go up to the first floor of Palazzo Mentone where Enoteca is, raise the soul and admire theContinue reading
“Inaugurate” women that know about Barolo
The art exhibition “Donne Spettinate che sanno di Barolo (e di molto altro)” or “Messy hair women that know about Barolo (and more)” has been inaugurate last 10th April in Cherasco at Enoteca Palazzo Mentone.Continue reading