Purpleryta Goes Digital! “Macchie parlanti – Talking Wine Spots” is a collection of digital artworks that convey messages, both lighthearted and profound, inspired by the communicative power of wine and the influence of words. AnchoredContinue reading
Tag: Vino
From 28 July to 11 August at the Cantina Comunale di La Morra, Rita Barbero, also known as the artist Purpleryta will display works of art never seen before to celebrate fifty/fifty! This exhibitionContinue reading
From 25 March to 1st May Rita Barbero, alias Purpleryta, exhibits for the first time the exhibition “Faccioni Sfacciati e Spettinate con Sirena” at the Enoteca Sartine in Via Vittorio Emanuele. The wine on paper,Continue reading
BAROLO TERROIR: a special cover for a special book
Thanks to Michele Longo and Ian d’Agata my work of art wine on paper titled Goddess – la Dea del Barolo has become a wonderful cover for a special book about Barolo. Ian D’agata writes this comment atContinue reading
Tour in Spain
One of my works is walking around Spain. The L’Abbraccio exhibition has been teleported to Spain: now the collective from Bossolasco travels to Spain under the name El Abrazo. First stop at MUA, the MuseumContinue reading
Paolo Massobrio and his first wine painting
Today Paolo Massobrio talks about Purpleryta on Il Golosario. From Luigi Vico where all the crus of the Barolo municipality have their home It’s all true, I immediately wrote on Instagram in front ofContinue reading
Anyone who knows me and follows me here knows that I am passionate about science fiction (see Isaac had already understood everything) and that since last year there is a form that haunts me. ConcentricContinue reading
In the Autumn, a green light for creativity with wine painting
In the Autumn, a green light for creativity with wine painting. The technique of painting with wine , developed by the Piedmontese artist Purpleryta, that starts with a spontaneous stain on paper and ultimately isContinue reading
Paint With Wine Class with PurpleRyta
I really miss you, stepping in my Studio, chatting together about art and wine, smiling and flying on my swing. The virtual way to stay in contact seems to be the only one that can makeContinue reading