PURPLERYTA at VINITALY with Consorzio Brachetto d’Acqui Docg

Purpleryta continues the artistic experiments of wine painting. After monitoring different reactions of different rich in pigment wines now she is studying the red most famous  aromatic wine.

It is possible to admire the original painting at Vinitaly, hall 10, stand L3, where the commissioner of the work of art Consorzio del Brachetto d’Acqui stand is located.

Brachetto is a wine with a high sugar content: Purpleryta obtained an aromatic and sweet painting because sugar caramelized during the drying phase .

The work of art title is “The Sentinel of Brachetto”: it represents Monferrato hills, smooth and plenty of vines; a female figure handing a bouquet of red roses keeps an eye on the vineyards. The heart of the painting are red roses: they flourish at the begin of the rows to beautify the view and to guard the health of grapes… in case of disease they become ill before the vines. This is the alarm they silent screams. Like a Sentinel.

The bouquet also reminds the characteristic aroma that you can feel walking in a vineyard of Brachetto, the same aroma of rose that you can recognize in the glass.

The work of art is totally painted with Brachetto d’Acqui docg.

From a spot of Brachetto all the artistic narration starts: the spot expands on paper, become the head of the Sentinel. Hills and vines are there is safe, the Sentinel has done a good job.

Title: La Sentinella del Brachetto

Technique: Wine on paper

Wine: Brachetto d’Acqui docg

Work in progress
Work in progress
La consengna
The delivery



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