BAROLO – You have admired her “wine on paper” paintings in Cherasco (Muth Miths), La Morra (#ilvinounisce), Bra (Women Art Bra), Torino (Messy hair women that knows about wine), in Alba (#ilcaffèunisce), a St. Pierre – AO (Open Wineries event) and in San Damiano AT (#labarberaunisce at La Barbera Incontra Festival), moving from an exhibition to the next one in new places.
Now, before the trip to USA, Purpleryta stops. Just for a while, right the time till 15th August. She stops in Barolo and open his house-studio and hosts few artists, friends meta along the way.
Among the wine on paper paintings you can find other works of art of photograohers, painters, designers of this new adventure of Purpleryta, testyfying that @ilvinounisce (wine unites).
The artists:
Le Cacciatrici del Reale – Cinzia Grande and Giorgia Necade from Alba to Barolo with their idea of B/W photography dedicated to the true soul of women.
Stefano Richaud – engineer that turns in B/W his hyperrealism for its female portraits
Petit Garcon – graphic designer with the head in the clouds, presenting the new collection of accessories dedicated to Mother Nature.
Antonella Tavella – from Verduno, gives color to the Langhe landscapes.
Francesco Pellerano – from Torino, artist and graphic designer divided between abstract and figurative.
Gianni Tappatà – designer from Marche with its humoristic 3D creations. The art exhibition is open when Purpleryta is at home, after 6 pm and in the week end 10 to 10. To visit it just ring the bell at n.4 in Via Vittorio Emanuele.
Next appointment will be in Ohio at Mike Elsass Gallery, on 21st August where Purpleryta will paint with local wines.