PurpleRyta lives and works in the Langhe area. In close contact with the world of wine each day she is inspired by it and at the same time scared, in a love / hate relationship that becomes active interchange and inner regeneration, using two imperatives that have always driven her passion for the art: simplify reality and color the world. Possibly in purple!
With her wine on paper paintings and all the objects Purpleryta communicates the values that drive the artist. First of all the strong conviction that we have to give value to our territory for its culture. Purpleryta reminds this with #ilvinocontienecultura #winecontainsculture #laculturacontienevino #culturecontainswine, in order to underline that behind a glass of wine there is a rich cultural heritage.
Wine on paper paintings are eco-friendly. Wine is used pure and the paper is 100% natural cotton acid free. All the accessories wine on me tell the positive value of recycling materials that are considered garbage after the use. Purpleryta gives them the opportunity to have a second life.
Passion is the most important value in life. Purpleryta was born from a dream and passion for painting. Now, with #swingproject Purpleryta encourages other people to follow their dreams. Follow the INSTAGRAM profile dedicated to the #swing.
A letter, a spiral, a diamond, a color: four elements together telling the essence of PurpleRyta.
The letter “Y” walks together to the name since the school era, when a simple “I” was not enough to define the estrus of a teenager with the wish to state her uniqueness.
The spiral, that appears in the most part of the works of PurpleRyta, is the symbol of a theory about life: sometimes already known situations come again, similar but not exactly the as the same, sometimes new situations arrive with already known elements, giving impulse to go ahead. Probably a philosophy elaborated this theory but don’t tell PurpleRyta!
The diamond that encloses all means “the most important and precious thing”, the one that makes the difference and makes things changing.
The color is the one of the soul, of spirituality, that stays with PurpleRyta since ever, outside and inside her.
The entire logo reminds to the symbol of a super hero: a new paladin of color fighting against the invading gray.